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Bradley Mowers

We believe in a hands-on approach

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We believe in the “hands-on” approach. We developed our products in the field by using them. We listen to our customers and are always working to give the best product for the best value. We pledge that our global appeal will never change our small business feel.



Q Will your sulky fit my mower?

The short answer is: yes! Our sulkies can fit most mowers. You need an unobstructed rear facing portion of the engine deck ranging in width from 5" (2000N models) to 15" (2006N models) with 2 to 4" of clearance for the hitch. If the hitch will not fit as-is, simple modifications can be made.

Q How do you sell at such low prices? There must be a catch.

We use the same (or better) industry-standard engines, hydrostatic drives, batteries, tires, belts, pullies, clutches, and switches as the big name brands. We just do not have a huge markup or go overboard with "promotions." All the other customers doing big giveaways and other rebates are just charging you for it whether you take advantage or not.

Q Do you charge sales tax?

Yes; Illinois sales tax is 8.25% for orders shipped to an address in Illinois.
